Friday, September 3, 2010

Tips To Emphasize Your Subject In Photography

By Wayne Turner

When you watch a movie there is one element that never changes, a leading character. The whole movie centers around this leading player and the story is created around this subject. It is no different with a still image like a photograph. Each photo should have its lead character, called the subject, around which the image is created.

photography subject

"Fort Perch Lighthouse Mono" captured by Mark Broughton (Click Image to See More From Mark Broughton)

By creating this center of interest you form a visual focal point that anchors the eye of the viewer and holds it there. Everything else is discovered by the eye in relation to this one focal point. How the eye moves into the rest of the image is determined by this point. So in order for you to create a successful image you need to emphasize the subject. This is done in one of several ways, so let’s take a look.

1. Get in closer

When you get in really close to the subject it starts to fill the whole frame and the eye can no longer miss the subject and the subject is emphasized. It powerfully directs your attention to the subject as there is nothing else in the image to compete with it. It is a simple but dramatic emphasis of a subject. Use your feet more often when shooting and you will see just how dynamic the resulting images are.

2. Get further away

This may not seem a great idea in order to emphasize your subject. Picture this. The subject is a light house and there is an azure blue sky reflected in an ocean topped by white foam. The bold red and white lighthouse on the horizon is in stark contrast to the blue of the sky and ocean. It may not fill the image but it still dominates the scene in relation to the rest of it. Placed in the correct position it becomes even more striking.

3. Selective focus

Using a small aperture to control the depth of field, or depth of focus, lifts the subject out of a background that is now blurred by the very shallow depth of field. With the background details now blurred the subject stands out against it in clear focus. This simplifies the images and cause all attention to be focused on the subject.

photography subject focus

"Ladybug on a car roof" captured by jacques gautreau (Click Image to See More From jacques gautreau)

4. Subject placement

By placing your subject off center it creates a very pleasing image to the eye. Called the rule of thirds, discovered by the Greeks and used by artists for thousands of years it adds a dynamic element to your photo. Imagine a noughts and crosses or tic-tac-toe grid over the scene. Where the two horizontal lines intersect with the two vertical lines is where you place your subject thereby emphasizing it to great effect.

5. Simplify your backgrounds

By placing the subject on simple, plain single colour background there is no doubt as to which is the subject. Making sure that the colour of your subject and the background contrast with each causes the subject to be clearly emphasized. You may need to change your viewpoint or angle of view in order to exclude clutter and keep the background simple. Remember that less is more and the KISS principle applies here.

The key to a great a photographs is a clear subject. Knowing where to place it in a photograph as you learn digital photography, allows you to emphasize the subject to great effect with stunning photo results. Happy shooting!

subject in photography

"lone tree" captured by paul Robertson (Click Image to See More From paul Robertson)

Source: Picture Correct

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