Monday, August 30, 2010

ISO Settings in Digital Photography …

By Darren Rowse

In traditional (film) photography ISO (or ASA) was the indication of how sensitive a film was to light. It was measured in numbers (you’ve probably seen them on films – 100, 200, 400, 800 etc). The lower the number the lower the sensitivity of the film and the finer the grain in the shots you’re taking.

In Digital Photography ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor. The same principles apply as in film photography – the lower the number the less sensitive your camera is to light and the finer the grain. Higher ISO settings are generally used in darker situations to get faster shutter speeds (for example an indoor sports event when you want to freeze the action in lower light) – however the cost is noisier shots. I’ll illustrate this below with two elargements of shots that I just took – the one on the left is taken at 100 ISO and the one of the right at 3200 ISO (click to enlarge to see the full effect).


100 ISO is generally accepted as ‘normal’ and will give you lovely crisp shots (little noise/grain).

Most people tend to keep their digital cameras in ‘Auto Mode’ where the camera selects the appropriate ISO setting depending upon the conditions you’re shooting in (it will try to keep it as low as possible) but most cameras also give you the opportunity to select your own ISO also.

When you do override your camera and choose a specific ISO you’ll notice that it impacts the aperture and shutter speed needed for a well exposed shot. For example – if you bumped your ISO up from 100 to 400 you’ll notice that you can shoot at higher shutter speeds and/or smaller apertures.

When choosing the ISO setting I generally ask myself the following four questions:

  1. Light – Is the subject well lit?
  2. Grain – Do I want a grainy shot or one without noise?
  3. Tripod – Am I using a tripod?
  4. Moving Subject – Is my subject moving or stationary?

If there is plenty of light, I want little grain, I’m using a tripod and my subject is stationary I will generally use a pretty low ISO rating.

However if it’s dark, I purposely want grain, I don’t have a tripod and/or my subject is moving I might consider increasing the ISO as it will enable me to shoot with a faster shutter speed and still expose the shot well.

Of course the trade off of this increase in ISO will be noisier shots.

Situations where you might need to push ISO to higher settings include:

  • Indoor Sports Events – where your subject is moving fast yet you may have limited light available.
  • Concerts – also low in light and often ‘no-flash’ zones
  • Art Galleries, Churches etc- many galleries have rules against using a flash and of course being indoors are not well lit.
  • Birthday Parties – blowing out the candles in a dark room can give you a nice moody shot which would be ruined by a bright flash. Increasing the ISO can help capture the scene.

ISO is an important aspect of digital photography to have an understanding of if you want to gain more control of your digital camera. Experiment with different settings and how they impact your images today.

Source: Digital Photography School

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Shutter and Aperture, Let The Sun Shine In

By Suzanne Vandegrift

In order to get a picture that has the perfect brightness, not too light or too dark, the amount of light that gets into the camera has to be controlled. One thing that controls the light in the camera is the aperture. That’s what the light has to pass through before it reaches the film. The aperture opening settings are also called F-stops.

The camera’s aperture settings are actually the same principal as the function of the pupil in the human eye. When you go the the eye doctor and have your eyes dilated, the pupils are enlarged, which allows a lot more light to enter the eye. To protect your retina, you need to wear sunglasses when you go out into the sun, until the pupils have a chance to go back to their normal size. Your pupils will enlarge automatically when you go into a dimly lit area to allow you to see better.

The smaller the aperture becomes, the less light enters the camera; the larger the aperture gets, the more light enters the camera. F-stop settings can be a little confusing. The smaller the F-stops numbers, the larger the openings; the larger the openings, the more light. An example, more light would get through to the film or memory card on a setting of 2.8 than a setting of 5.6. Some people are good at memorizing this type of information. But, if you’re not one of them, consider keeping this kind of pertinent information tucked in your camera case for easy referral.

The shutter, when open, will allow the light to enter the camera. This is determined by the shutter speed. Shutter speed, as with aperture, has a standard series of settings called stops. Shutter stops are measured in seconds or fractions of seconds, which determine how long the shutter is open. Shutter speed is relative to the length of time the shutter remains open after you press the button to take your picture.

Shutter speeds are fraction denominators, such as 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, and 1/1000. The longer the shutter speed, the more light; the shorter the shutter speed, the less light. An average shutter speed that would produce a good photograph taken in sunny conditions is 1/125th of a second. Shutter speed impacts how action photographs will turn out, such as photographing an aerial performance of the popular Blue Angels.

In this day and age, we’re more sophisticated and our equipment is definitely a lot smaller and more manageable. They fit nicely in our quality camera bags along with our lenses, batteries, and accessories. But, the basic principles of aperture and shutter hasn’t changed since the early days of photography. The waterhouse stop was invented by a photographer by the name of John Waterhouse in 1858. The size of the hole acted just as the apertures of today and a lens cap was manually removed and then replaced for the exposure process, as our shutter does on today’s cameras.

Photographic artistry often times can be attained by manually focusing, rather than relying on the automatic settings with which our cameras come equipped. It gives you complete control over aperture and shutter settings. With manual focus, you have the advantage of speed. You don’t have to wait for the automatic focus before taking your next shot. This can be an important reason to go with manual exposure, perhaps at a fast-paced sports event. So, remember before you head out to that all important game and you’re loading your camera bag with your camera and accessories to check the settings on the camera and make sure they’re set to manual.

Source: Picture Correct

Photography Exposure Basics

By Richard Schneider

Exposure is the amount of light collected by the sensor in your camera during a single picture.  If the shot is exposed too long the photograph will be washed out.  If the shot is exposed too short the photograph will appear too dark.  Almost all cameras today have light meters which measure the light in the given shot and set an ideal exposure automatically.

Most people  depend on the light meter which is fine, but if  you know how to control your exposures you can get some creative and sometimes better pictures.  (The photo on the left is with low shutter speed and narrow aperture (high f/stop).

The two primary controls your camera uses for exposure are shutter speed (the amount of time the sensor is exposed to light) and aperture (the size of the lens opening that lets light into the camera).  Shutter speeds are measured in seconds and more commonly fractions of a second. (1/2000 of a second is very fast and 8′ seconds is extremely slow).  Apertures are measured in something called f/stops (a very wide aperture is f/2.8 and a very small aperture is f/19).

You might wonder why there is not just a constant shutter speed or a constant aperture so that you would only have to worry about one control.  The reason is that even though they both control the amount of light getting to the sensor they also control other aspects of the picture.  Shutter speed for example can be used to freeze subjects in midair with a fast speed or it can be used to blur water with a slow speed.

Aperture controls the depth-of-field which is what is in focus in the picture.  Aperture can be used to draw attention to one subject (like the flower on the right) by blurring the background with a wide aperture (low f/stop).  Aperture can also be used to focus everything in a picture with a narrow aperture (high f/stop).  (The photo on the left is with Wide aperture (low f/stop) and corresponding shutter speed).

Low shutter speed and slightly narrow aperture (pretty high f/stop)
On most digital SLR’s (Single Lens Reflex) cameras today you can even change the sensitivity of the sensor when collecting light which is called the ISO speed.  The common span of ISO speed is 100 to 800.  The higher the ISO speed the faster the camera collects light but it also adds more noise to the photograph than the lower speeds.

For example if your trying to take pictures in dim light without a tripod you might want to raise the ISO speed in order to get a picture that’s not blurry.  Most of the time you should keep it at a lower ISO speed if there is enough light, but it makes a big difference when there isn’t.

The best way to learn how to use shutter speed and aperture is to just keep experimenting with them.

Source: Picture Correct

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

5 Tips To Add Flavor To Your Landscape Photography

Landscapes can have a magical impact on people. Dependent on the location, a provided piece of landscapes may instill a feeling of serenity or natural turmoil; it might imply lush development or continuous erosion; green with life or dim, gray, and lifeless; a talented photographer could leverage these features to create pictures that are simultaneously captivating, poignant, and beautiful.

landscape photo tips

"Mountain hat" captured by Jim K. (Click Image to See More From Jim K.)

However, this seldom occurs by chance.

In this post, we’ll provide a short list of 5 tips that can bring essence to your panorama digital photography; several of the following suggestions may appear instinctive while some might be unexpected. In the long run, you’ll have the ability to utilize these tips to create landscape pictures that seize the curiosity of your audience.

#1 – Use A Tripod To Eliminate Camera Tremble

In order to catch a broad, deep portion of landscape, you’ll want to employ a smaller aperture to improve your depth of field. A littler aperture generally requires a longer shutter speed to make up for a reduction of lighting; a lengthier shutter speed can make camera tremble more probable, which leads to blurring. Utilize a tripod to eliminate the issue.

#2 – Properly Use The Foreground As An Intro To The Photo

Suppose your shot comprises of a field of gaily-hued blossoms in the front with snowfall-capped hills etched into the backdrop. One approach to “bring” your audience into your photo is to use the foreground as an intro

For example, bring your camera lower so the flowers are shot up close at eye level; the field will stretch into the distance towards the mountains in the background; this generates a graphic experience that makes it simpler for your audience to work together with your scenery.

reflection landscape photography

"Sunset Tetons" captured by Katie (Click Image to See More From Katie)

#3 – Use Depth of Field

If you are an experienced shooter, you might need to play with a much more shallow depth of field to generate unique effects. That said, amateur photographers should select as deep a depth of field as possible when shooting panoramas; that permits objects at varying distances from your camera to enter into focus

As pointed out previously, think about utilizing a tripod since a smaller aperture normally needs a lengthier shutter speed.

#4 – Show Action

Panorama photography is typically thought of as capturing stillness. However, you can bring a unique result to your pictures by filming particular kinds of surroundings in a way that captures movement; for instance, water lapping a close by shore, trees swaying in a soft wind, a group of gulls slicing lazily through the air… these components animate your pictures; they attract the individual seeing the picture into the scenery’s action.

In order to accomplish this, you’ll have to lengthen your shutter speed and use a smaller aperture to compensate for the related increase in lighting. And of course, utilize a tripod to remove the problem of digital camera shake.

#5 – Integrate The Sky, Clouds, And Sun

The atmosphere may make your panorama pictures sparkle; in fact, if you allow additional components of your landscapes to command the top part of your photo, the end result may be less than fulfilling to your viewers. The key is to make sure there are contrasting features that draw the eye.

For instance, strips or teams of clouds may split an otherwise clear blue sky. The clouds add flavor

If you are capturing near dusk, a setting sun can splash atmosphere with colored light. Splotches of red and yellow thrown through a light cloud cover can generate startlingly beautiful photos.

dusk landscape photo

"FoggyMorn" captured by Debra Vanderlaan (Click Image to See More From Debra Vanderlaan)

Photographing landscapes is an opportunity to present the environment in a manner that draws your audience into your arrangement. Many photographers – both beginners and pros – squander the occasion.

Employ the tips above to introduce elements into your photos that show nature at its most exciting and stunning.

Source: Picture Correct

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

15 Failed Predictions about the future …

“It will be years --not in my time-- before a woman will become Prime Minister.” -- Margaret Thatcher, October 26th, 1969.

She became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom only 10 years after saying that, holding her chair from 1979 to 1990. But she wasn’t all that wrong since she is the only woman to have held this post. Maybe she should have added the word “again”.

“I think there is a world market for maybe five computers”. -- Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

It may sound ridiculous now, but the prediction was actually true for about ten years after it was made. Almost every forecaster would settle for a ten year limit on the testing of their forecasts. Of course, by the 1980s and the advent of the PC, such a statement looked plain daft.

“That virus [HIV] is a pussycat.” -- Dr. Peter Duesberg, molecular-biology professor at U.C. Berkeley, 1988

By 2006, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the World Health Organization estimated that AIDS has killed more than 25 million people since it was first recognized on December 1, 1981.

“Drill for oil? You mean drill into the ground to try and find oil? You're crazy.” -- Associates of Edwin L. Drake refusing his suggestion to drill for oil in 1859.

Only one hundred fifty years passed by since the first attempt to dig out oil from the ground met such contempt, and now the whole world is trying to look for unimaginable places to satiate the thirst for money that is propelled and sustained on this black gold.

“A rocket will never be able to leave the Earth’s atmosphere.”
--New York Times, 1936.

10 years later, in 1946, the first American-built rocket to leave the earth’s atmosphere was launched from White Sands, attaining 50 miles of altitude.

“Reagan doesn’t have that presidential look.” -- United Artists Executive, rejecting Reagan as lead in 1964 film The Best Man

Before becoming the 40th President of the United States in 1981, Ronald Reagan pursued an acting career, but spent the majority of his Hollywood career in the “B film” division. In 1964 he was rejected for a part in a movie with presidential candidate theme due to “not having the presidential look”.

“The singer [Mick Jagger] will have to go; the BBC won’t like him.” -- First Rolling Stones manager Eric Easton to his partner after watching them perform.

We can only wonder what Sir Michael Philip “Mick” Jagger, Golden Globe, Grammy Award-winning English singer-songwriter, rock musician and occasional actor, has to say about it now.

“Rail Travel at high speed is not possible because passengers, unable to breathe, would die of asphyxia.” -- Dr Dionysys Larder (1793-1859)

It may sound impossible to Dr Larder, professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy at the University College London back in the 1800, but in 1939 the first high speed train went from Milan to Florence at 165 km/h (102.5 mph). Thankfully no one died. Now-a-days these trains go at 200 km/h (125 mph) and faster.

“Heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible..” -- Lord Kelvin, 1895

This was said by Lord Kelvin (British mathematician and physicist, president of the British Royal Society) only eight years before brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright took their home-built flyer to the sandy dunes of Kitty Hawk, cranked up the engine, and took off into the history books.

“There will never be a bigger plane built.” -- A Boeing engineer, after the first flight of the 247, a twin engine plane that holds ten people.

What would this engineer say if he saw the current largest passenger plane on earth, the Airbus A380? The Airbus A380 has 50% more floor space than arch rival Boeing’s 747 Jumbo, with room for duty-free shops, restaurants and even a sauna, and can provide site for up to 853 people.

“Taking the best left-handed pitcher in baseball and converting him into a right fielder is one of the dumbest things I ever heard.” -- Tris Speaker, baseball hall of famer, talking about Babe Ruth, 1919

Ruth has been named the greatest baseball player in history in various surveys and rankings, and his home run hitting prowess made him a larger than life figure in the “Roaring Twenties”. He became the first player to hit 60 home runs in one season (1927), a record which stood for 34 years until broken by Roger Maris in 1961. Ruth’s lifetime total of 714 home runs at his retirement in 1935 was a record for 39 years, until broken by Hank Aaron in 1974.

“Ours has been the first [expedition] , and doubtless to be the last, to visit this profitless locality.” -- Lt. Joseph Ives, after visiting the Grand Canyon in 1861

More than a century later, five million people annually visit this “profitless locality,” by car, foot, air, and on the Colorado River itself.

“If excessive smoking actually plays a role in the production of lung cancer, it seems to be a minor one.” -- W.C. Heuper, National Cancer Institute, 1954

In 1964 the United States Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health began suggesting the relationship between smoking and cancer, which confirmed its suggestions 20 years later in the 1980s. Nowadays, it’s well known that long-term exposure to tobacco smoke is the most common causes of lung cancer.

“You better get secretarial work or get married.” -- Emmeline Snively, advising would-be model Marilyn Monroe in 1944

In 1944, Marilyn Monroe was discovered by a photographer who encouraged her to apply to The Blue Book modeling agency. She was told by Snively, director of the Modelling Agency that she should became a secretary, besides they were looking for models with lighter hair. So Marilyn dyed her brunette hair to a golden blonde. She finally signed a contract with the agency. And of course, became Blue Book’s most successful model.

"Read my lips: No new taxes." -- George Bush, 1988

That pledge was the centerpiece of Bush’s acceptance address, written by speechwriter Peggy Noonan, for his party’s nomination at the 1988 Republican National Convention. It was a strong, decisive, bold statement, and you don’t need a history degree to see where this is going. As presidents sometimes must, Bush raised taxes. His words were used against him by then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton in a devastating attack ad during the 1992 presidential campaign.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sri Venkatesa Suprabhatham

Sri Venkatesha Suprabhatha is sung in the morning as a wake-up call for Lord Venkateshwara . It is recited at Tirupati to awaken Lord Venkateshwara. The rendition by M. S. Subbalakshmi can be heard in many houses each morning.

It is believed that Lord Venkateswara will bestow prosperity in abundance to devotees who recite this sloka every morning. Lets all together sing this Sloka and get the Lords blessings.

    1. Kowsalya supraja Rama poorva sandhya pravarthathe
      Uthishta narasardoola karthavyam daiva mahnikam
    2. Uthishto Uthishta Govinda uthishta garudadhwaja
      Uthishta kamala kantha thrilokyam mangalam kuru
    3. Mathassamasta jagatham madukaita bhare
      Vakshoviharini manohara divya moorthe
      Sree swamini srithajana priya danaseele
      Sree Venkatesha dayithe thava suprabhatham
    4. Thava suprabhatham aravinda lochane
      Bhavathu prasanna mukha chandra mandale
      Vidhisankarendra vanitha bhirarchithe
      Vrishasaila natha davithel daya nidhe
    5. Athriyadhi saptharushayssamupasyasandyam
      Aakasa sindhu kamalani manoharani
      Aadaya padhayuga marchayithum prapanna
      Seshadrisekha ravibho Thava suprabhatham
    6. Panchananabja bhava shanmukavasavadhya
      Tryvikramadhi charitham vibhudhasthuvanthi
      Bhashapathipatathi vasara shuddhi marath
      Seshadri sekha ravibho thava subrabhatham
    7. Eeshathprapulla saraseeruha narikela
      Phoogadrumadi sumanohara Balikanam
      Aavaathi mandamanilassaha divya gandhai
      Seshadri sheka ravibho thava suprabhatham
    8. Unmeelya nethra yugamuththama panjarasthaa
      Paathraa vasishta kadhaleephala payasani
      Bhukthvaa saleelamatha keli sukha patanthi
      Seshadri sekha ravibho thava suprabhatham
    9. Thanthreeprakarshamadhuraswanaya
      vipanchyaa Gayathyanantha charitham
      thava naradopi Bhashasamagrama sakruthkara sara rammyam
      Seshadri sekha ravibho thava suprabhatham
    10. Brunga valeecha makaranda rashanuvidda
      Jhankara geetha ninadaissa sevanaya
      Niryathyupaantha sarasee kamalodarebhyaha
      Seshadri sekha ravibho thava suprabhatham
    11. Yoshaganena varadhadni vimathyamaane
      Ghoshalayeshu dhadhimanthana
      theevraghoshaaha Roshaathkalim
      vidha-dhathe kakubhascha kumbhaha
      Seshadri sekha ravibho thava suprabhatham
    12. Padmeshamithra sathapathra kathalivargha Harthum shriyam
      kuvalayasya nijanga Lakshmya Bheree
      ninadamiva bibrathi theevranadam
      Seshadri sekhara vibho thava suprabhatham
    13. Sreemannabheeshta varadhakhila
      lookabandho Sree Sreenivasa
      Jagadekadayaika sindho
      Sree devathagruha bhujanthara divyamurthe
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    14. Sree swamy pushkarinikaplava nirmalangaa
      Sreyorthino hara viranchi
      sanadadhyaha Dware vasanthi
      varavethra hathothamangaha
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    15. Sree seshasaila garudachala venkatadri
      Narayanadri vrishabhadri vrishadri
      mukhyam Akhyam thvadeeyavasatheranisam vadanthi
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    16. Sevaaparaashiva suresa krusanudharma
      Rakshombhunatha pavamana dhanadhi
      nathaha Bhaddanjali pravilasannija seersha deSaha
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    17. Dhateeshuthevihagaraja mrugadhiraja Nagadhiraja gajaraja hayadhiraja
      Swaswadhikara mahimadhika marthayanthe
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    18. Sooryendhubhouma bhudhavakpathi
      kavya soori Swarbhanukethu divishathparishathpradanaa
      Twaddhasa dasa charamavadhidaasa daasa
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    19. Thwathpadadhulibharita spurithothha manga
      Swargapavarga nirapeksha nijantharanga
      Kalpagamakalanaya kulatham labhanthe
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    20. Thvadgopuragra sikharani nireekshmana Swargapavarga
      padaveem paramam shrayantha Marthyaa manushyabhuvane
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava Suprabhatham
    21. Sree bhoominayaka dayadhi guna mmruthabdhe
      Devadideva jagadeka saranya moorthe
      Sreemannanantha garudadibhirarchithangre
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    22. Sree Padmanabha Purushothama Vasudeva Vaikunta Madhava Janardhana chakrapane
      Sree vathsachinha saranagatha parijatha
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    23. Kandarpa darpa hara sundara divya murthe
      Kanthaa kuchamburuha kutmialola drishte
      Kalyana nirmala gunakara divyakeerthe
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    24. Meenakruthe kamatakola Nrusimha varnin Swamin
      parashvatha thapodana Ramachandra
      Seshamsharama yadhunandana kalki roopa
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    25. Elaa lavanga ghanasaara sugandhi theertham
      Divyamviyathsarithi hemaghateshu poornam
      Drutwadhya vaidika sikhamanaya prahrushta
      Thishtanthi Venkatapathe thava suprabhatham
    26. Bhaswanudethi vikachani saroruhani
      Sampoorayanthi ninadai kakubho vihangha
      Sree vaishnavassathatha marthitha mangalasthe
      Dhamasrayanthi thava Venkata subrabhatham
    27. Bhramadayassuravarasamaharshayastthe
      Santhassa nandana mukhastvatha yogivarya
      Dhamanthike thavahi mangala vasthu hasthaa
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    28. Lakshminivasa niravadya gunaika sindo
      Samsarasagara samuththaranaika setho
      Vedanta vedya nijavaibhava bhakta bhogya
      Sree Venkatachalapathe thava suprabhatham
    29. ltnam vnsnacnala pamerlna suprabhatham
      Ye manava prathidinam patithum pravrutha
      Thesham prabhatha samaye smruthirangabhhajam
      Pragnyam paraartha sulabham paramam prasoothe


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Crazy but not stupid …

One truck driver was doing his usual load delivery at a mental hospital, by parking his vehicle beside an open drain.

He discovered a flat tyre when he was about to return from the mental hospital. He jacked up the truck and removed the flat tyre to fix the spare tyre.

When he was about to fix the spare tyre, he accidentally dropped all the four bolts in the open drain.

As he could not fish the bolts in the open drain, he started to panic as to what should be done.

Just then, one patient happened to walk past him and asked the driver as to why he was looking troubled.

The driver thought to himself, since there was nothing much he could do, he could as well humor the loony guy.. Just to keep the bugging chap away, the truck driver informed the whole episode to the mental patient and gave a helpless look.

The patient just laughed at the truck driver and said "you  cannot even fix such a simple problem? No wonder you are destined to remain a truck driver for life".

The truck driver was astonished to hear such a compliment from a mental guy.

"Here is what you can do" said the mental guy.

"Take one bolt from each of the remaining three tyres' wheels and fix them on to this tyre. Then drive down to the nearest workshop and replace the missing ones. Isn't it simple my friend?"

The truck driver was so impressed with this quick fix answer and asked the patient, how come he was so smart and intelligent but still at the mental hospital?

The patient replied..."Hello friend! I stay here because I am crazy but not stupid".

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

SMS Kadis

Ennathan karunanithi DMK la irundhalum avar veetu maadu "AMMA" nu than kathum

Vaazha maram thaar podum! Aana adha vachi road poda mudiyuma??

Ennadhan aeroplane mela parandhaalum Petrol poda keelathaan varanum

Hand wash'nna kai kazhuvaradhu, 'Face wash'nna mugam kazhuvaradhu, Appa 'brain wash' nna,, braina kazhuvaradhaa

Tea cupla tea irukum. Appa world cupla world irukkuma??

Cell moolama sms anuppalaam Aana sms moolama cella anuppa mudiyathu

Adyar Anandhabavan branch Chennai fulla irukkum aanna Adyar Alamarathoda branch adyar-la mattum than irukkum.. ithu than ulagam

Daily Calendar-Le Theydhi Kizhikkardhu Mukkiyam Illai – Andha Theydhi-Le Nee Enna Kizhikkarey-Ngardhu Than Mukkiyam !!

Paambu Ethanai Thadavai Padam Eduthalum Athaala Oru Thadavai Kooda Theatre-La Release Panna Mudiyathu...

Ration Card A Vatchu Sim Card Vangalam Ana Sim Card A Vatchu Ration Card Vanga Mudiyathu

Nenga Enna Than Thene Potu Koli Valathalum Athu Muta Than Podum 100/100 Ellam Podathu

Kanna Bus Stop La Bus Than Vanthu Nikum Ana Full Stop La Full Vanthu Nikuma